The last of the persimmons have been harvested for
the season. The hoshigaki we hung last month are fully dried and some
are beginning to bloom with sugar. From my experience with these dried
persimmons you get the best sugar bloom when you wrap the dried
persimmons in a container and let them sit at room temperature for a few
days. The final product is just as I had hoped, dense and sweet with
an intense persimmon flavor.

also took a few very ripe hachiya persimmons from our tree and crushed
them with whole wheat flour and a little water. As this mixture sat the
wild yeasts on the persimmon skin and inside the wheat flour multiplied
creating a wild yeast starter for a new country sourdough bread we are
working on.
I am sad to say goodbye to this year’s persimmon crop, but that just means we are one step closer to spring.
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