I have almost been at Post Ranch Inn for a full year. Each day when I walk from the lower part of the property to the top of the ridge where Sierra Mar is perched, I pass dozens of California Bay Laurel. If you have been reading this blog you may have seen mention of the bay fruit, bay nuts or pickled bay blossoms. I can't help stopping momentarily at the giant trees to pinch a few leaves between my fingers and release their enigmatic aroma. This week has brought a new phase of transformation, tiny green and red leaf shoots that are so tender you can eat them like lettuce and mild enough to only leave a trace of aromatic bay on your palate. Tiny green fruits are beginning to emerge, and there are only a few more weeks until the trees return to the same state they were in when I first arrived.
Will these incredible trees have any more surprises in store for me?
You talked me into it, John... I'm driving to Post Ranch from Carmel today just to taste & smell the tender leaf shoots of your tantalizing Bay Laurel trees!